
Self Care During Your Shift
Want to listen to a podcast about self care during your shift? Check out the NSN Shift Support Podcast! Hey,…

Lessons from Two Years Away from Bedside Nursing
It is really hard to believe I have been out of bedside nursing for two years now. I loved my…

Joyce Grayson, Visiting Nurse Killed During Home Visit
Violence against Health Care Workers has been a growing concern, with a 2019 ANA Survey reporting that 1 in 4 nurses…

Nurses Supporting Nurses
Nurses Supporting Nurses: Guidance, Support, Community. In the challenging world of healthcare, finding a supportive community can make all the…

Gift Ideas for your Favorite Nurse- Nurses Week 2023
Nurses Week 2023 starts Saturday May 6-May 12. This is a week to celebrate nurses, but many times leaves nurses…

Happy NP Week 2023!
Updated November 13, 2023 Happy Nurse Practitioner Week 2023 to all the amazing NPs out there! I love working with…

NSN Shift Support Podcast
Happy Wednesday! Monday was the official launch day of the NSN Shift Support Podcast! THANK YOU to everyone who has…

Creativity is Flowing- Workbook & a Podcast
Hello & Happy Saturday! It is a very rainy and gloomy day here today. We came back down the mountain…

Reflections on One Year Away from Bedside Nursing
In the next week I will hit my one year mark away from the bedside. It's really hard to believe…

Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, & Social Worker Killed While Working
The past week has held a lot of tragedy for the nursing & health care community. Three member of our…

Ten Fall Self Care Ideas
If you read Monday's post or you have been watching my IG stories- you know I am very happily in…

Nurses, Be Kind to Our Nursing Students
I'm not sure why this has to be a constant conversation, but it does. I have seen it as a…

6 Months of Nurses Supporting Nurses
Today, I am celebrating 6 months of Nurses Supporting Nurses! 6 months ago, I wanted a way to help my fellow…

Amazon Essentials for the Nursing Student
It's that time of year- back to school! I know nursing school is such an exciting and overwhelming time! Today,…

Self Care: A necessity to preventing burn out
If I'm honest, I don't really care for the word burn out. I have experienced burn out many times over…

From Nursing to Web? A nurses journey to a new career.
Covid life changes I mentioned in a recent life update post that I was now working with my husband's business- HypedUp Studios…

The Less Glamorous Side of Travel Nursing
Last week- I shared the reason I loved being a traveling nurse and five reasons you should be one too. Today, in…

Five Reasons to Become a Travel Nurse
I am not currently working as a travel nurse (or bedside nurse) but I did travel nursing for two years…

Journal Prompts August 2022
July got a little busy and time got away from me, so I'm getting the August journal prompts out early!…

New to Practice Nurse Support Group
Hello! I hope your week is off to a good start! I am excited to announce the newest offering from Nurses…

Contracting C-19 is not a Moral Failing.
Life Update A little life update- my husband and I both tested positive for Covid last week. My husband on…

Journal Prompts- June 2022
In honor of the One Line a Day Reflection Journal I published, as well as the importance mental health and self care…

Roe v Wade Overturned: Actionable Steps & Resources
Friday, we received the devastating news SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade- setting up for multiple state to severely restrict or…

Happy CNA Week 2022!
Happy CNA week to all the CNAs, STNAs, HHAs, PCTs, and any other title for the amazing work of being…

One Line a Day Communication: Text Support Line
I am proud to introduce the newest offering of support from Nurses Supporting Nurses, our "One Line a Day Communication:…

Blog Posts & Resources for the New Grad Nurse
Transitioning to practice as a nurse comes with its own unique set of challenges. Add in starting during a global…

“One Line a Day Reflection Journal”
Hello! I hope you are doing well. I wanted to do a post to share an accomplishment I am excited…

“Alone is No Longer Enough”
Alone in Mental Illness I have had anxiety since I was a young child (though not diagnosed), honestly as long…

End the Stigma: Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. A lot of stigma lies around mental illness and this can have severe and…

Happy Nurses Week! & Nurses Supporting Nurses
Happy Nurses Week to all the healers! Nursing is such a beautiful profession. We help humans all across the lifespan,…

PLN Blog’s 6th Anniversary!
I'm excited to share today is the 6th anniversary of the blog! Hard to believe I have been writing on…

4 Simple Nature Practices to Heal the Weary Nurse: Guest Blog Post
Who cares for the nurse when the nurse has been so overstretched, she/he feels more like a Gumby doll that…

My Experience Working in Long-Term Care as a Nurse
The Christann Gainey, LPN case has a lot of people talking, like all the sad and scary charges against nurses right now.…

Christann Gainey, LPN Criminal Charges
Background Christann Gainey, LPN was caring for Herbert R. McMaster SR., an 84 year old Resident of Cathedral Village senior…

NSN Support Group: Session 1
The Nurses Supporting Nurses Support Group had its last meeting of our first session last night. I am so thankful…

Reflection: RaDonda Vaught Trial
Background If you haven't heard about the RaDonda Vaught trial, you can read my recent blog post. She is a nurse who…

Verdict: Vaught Trial & What You Can Do
Verdict On March 25, 2022- after 6 hours of deliberation- the jury found former nurse Radonda Vaught guilt of criminally…

Recent Post on the Blog- 3/25/22
Hello, friends! Happy Friday! It feels so good to be spending more time in my little corner of the internet…

Self Care & Reflection
Journaling One of the things I have been doing on my mental health healing journey is journaling. I'll admit I'm…

RaDonda Vaught Criminal Trial
Today we are discussing a criminal trial against a nurse that began yesterday, Monday March 21, 2022 in Tennessee. Background…

Behind the Covid Unit Doors- One Nurse’s Perspective
This post is from the perspective of me, a covid travel nurse. This does not represent the opinion of any…

My Nursing Journey- CNA to BSN
CNA TWELVE years ago (Oh my that's hard to believe) I was in my last semester of high school and…

International Women’s Day 2022
Happy International Women's Day to all the strong, caring, intelligent, amazing women of the world! International Women's Day is an…

Healing Journey- Starting Therapy
If you read my post in December, you know I am taking some time away from nursing. What started as a 2…

PLN’s 100th Blog Post!
Today we are celebrating Peace Love Nursing 100th Blog Post! It's hard to believe I have had this blog for…

Nurses Supporting Nurses: Support Group
I am excited to share that I will be facilitating a peer support group for nurses! The past 3 plus…

Self Care Wednesday: Read a Book or a Blog
Happy Hump Day! Today's self care activity is to read a book or a blog. I encourage you to read…

Virtual Valentine 2022
Happy Valentine's Day! I Love Nurses It wouldn't be Valentine's Day on Peace Love Nursing if I didn't talk about…

Valentine’s Self Care Week
Hello! Happy Saturday! I hope everyone had a good week. Let's be honest, I say it a lot, but the past…

Black Nurses Leaders- Black History Month
February is Black History Month and we are celebrating it today on the blog by discussing three influential Black nurses…

Thank You + Mental Health Check-In
Thank You, Thank You I want to take a moment to send a sincere and heart felt thank you to…

Stepping Away from Nursing
I debated on what to title this blog post- because I didn't want anyone to get here and feel like…

Travel Nurse Contract # 5
Saturday morning I clocked out of my last shift for travel contract #5! It's hard to believe I have been…

Life Lately- Spring 2021
Hello! Sharing a little catch up on what we have been up too the past few months. We are still…

One Year as a Travel Nurse
It is so hard to believe that a year ago I was sitting in orientation for my first travel nurse…

Floating:The Nursing Nemesis. Tips from a Float Pool Travel RN
Ahh Floating... You either love it or hate it. I find that most nurses are the latter, totally dreading floating…

Assignment #3, Covid Vaccine, and RV Life
Hi, friends! It's been a while! How are you doing? We are getting settled into our new home for the…

A Look Back at 2020
We made it out of 2020! I think that is definitely worth celebrating. I hope everyone was able to enjoy…

A Merry Little Christmas- 2020
Hello, friends! It's really hard to believe Christmas is just a few short days away. I know Christmas is filled…

Next Stop: The Space Coast, Florida
I have officially signed the contracts and finished onboarding for my third travel nurse assignment so I decided it was…

Travel Nurse Contract #2: Washington, D.C.
After six months, our time in Washington, D.C. has come to an end! I worked night shift in the float…

Our First Year of Marriage- Life As Newlyweds
On October 12th Bradley and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary! It is hard to believe it has been…

Hometown Newspaper Article + Weekend Happenings
Hello, friends! I hope you all are doing well. I woke up Friday morning to something really cool! I was featured…

My First Travel Nurse Contract: My thoughts and experiences
Wow! I really can't believe 13 weeks have passed and I am officially done with my first travel contract! 3…

Travel Nurse Adventures: The Face Palm Moments
I’m officially hitting the two month mark of my travel nurse contract and it feels I’m great! I’m finally starting…

How Are You Doing? Mental, Emotional, Physical Health Check-In
One of my favorite healthy living/lifestyle bloggers Brittany from A Healthy Slice of Life shared a post Monday with a health check…

Culbertson’s Go Tiny
The Dream To Travel Traveling has been a dream for Bradley and I pretty much since we started dating over…

Happy CNA Week! 2020
Thank you to all the CNA, HHA, PCT, STNA, and PCAs out there! Happy CNA (Certified Nursing Assistance) Week! Thank…

My First 2 weeks as a Travel RN
I have officially finished my first two weeks as a travel nurse! I realize I am very much in the…

4 year blog anniversary!
It's hard to believe I have had this space on my little corner of the internet for 4 years! As…

Self Care & Support While Social Distancing
This is such a weird, sad, scary time, isn't it? I go from feeling okay with social distancing and enjoying…

Happy Valentine’s Day! 10 reason I LOVE Nursing
Happy Valentine's Day! I know some people think it's corny or a "fake" holiday, but I always have had a…

Influential Nurses- Celebrating Black History Month
In honor of Black History Month, I am sharing three nurses who contributed greatly to the nursing profession. These nurses,…

Nurse Burn Out: Pt 2
In my bachelors program I did a lot of research papers and my final capstone on nurse burn out and…

Q&A: RN to BSN program
Hello! I have officially been back to blogging consistently for a month and I have to say it feels good…

Burn Out & Journey to Recovery
I love nursing. Becoming a nurse is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I love my fellow…

When you don’t get the “dream job”
The "Dream" Job I had clinical on various labor and delivery units and instantly fell in love! I was the…

Happy CNA Week!
CNA week was actually last week (June 13-19). Unfortunately, life has been busy with wedding, school, work (& overtime) so…

Happy Nurse Week 2019: Thank you, Nurses
I truly believe nurses are the heart of healthcare. We are the beings that put all those orders and medications…

Nurses: Life Savers Not Card Players
Nurses took to social media to share their frustrations over a comment made by Washington State Senator, Maureen Walsh (R).…

Life Update
Hello! Happy Wednesday! I decided to write a little life update with some pictures just for fun before we start…

Hello World: Part 2. Back to the blog.
Hello, friends! It's been way too long! 1.5 years to be exact. I cannot believe it has been over a…

My NCLEX Test Day Experience
Two months ago I was on my way to Charlotte, NC to take my NCLEX exam. It's hard to believe…

My first Official Week as a RN
Week 2 of orientation was first week training on the floor. I orient for three weeks on nights- and then…

New Nurse Orientation- Week 1
Hello! Happy May! It's hard to believe a new month is here already! I am loving the spring weather and…

One Year Blogiversary!
Today is the one year blogiversary of Peace Love Nursing! In honor of the anniversary and the new journey I…

Megan Weaver, RN!
The years of studying anywhere and everywhere, clinicals, labs, skills check offs, papers, projects, drug cards, ups and downs are…

Pinning Ceremony Recap- RN
This was the second pinning ceremony I have had the honor of participating in. My first pinning ceremony was for…

History and Meaning Behind the Pinning Ceremony
The nursing pinning ceremony is a time honored tradition that can be dated back to the 12th century. It is…

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from Peace Love Nursing! I hope everyone is wrapping up a great holiday season! Mine was filled…

Setting Your Nursey New Year’s Resolution
New Year's Resolutions- people either love 'em or hate 'em. I personally like setting resolutions, as cliche as it…

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas from Peace Love Nursing! I hope everyone has a wonderful and bright holiday season and gets to spend…

Thursday Thoughts- 9/1/16
Hey Hey! I hope you all are doing well! Life is crazy and busy right now! I started Pediatric Nursing…

Compression Socks Review
I have been talking about trying compression socks for a long time now, but have never got around to buying…

“Overcoming Shyness” Article Contributing Author A couple months ago, I received an email from an editor at, an online community for nurses and…

Preparation: The key to a good work week!
Time at the pool, shopping at the mall, dates nights, lunch out with friends, long walks with my dog,…

Thank You to the CNAs!
Dear wonderful, caring, hardworking CNAs, THANK YOU for being a nurse's eyes and ears during a shift THANK YOU for…

Happy Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July! I work today, but I did get to enjoy a relaxing weekend of laying by the pool,…

Sun Safety 101
Summer is officially in full swing! Everyone is outside for pool and beach days, camping, cookouts, festivals, and working in…

The Rough Shift
I love nursing. I became a nurse because I wanted to help people. I hoped to be a ray of…

Friday Favorites 5-13-16
Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a great week! I am looking forward to my first weekend off in…

The day is here! Today, Florence Nightingale's birthday, nurses are taking to the steps of the nation's capital to…

Happy Nurses Week!
Nurses are the heart of healthcare. We walk side by side with our patients to provide hope and comfort in…

Safe Staffing SAVES Lives!
ICU nurses are taking FOUR patients. Telemetry nurses are taking EIGHT patients. Medical/Surgical Nurses are taking TEN patients. Psychiatric Nurses…

Mental Health Nursing: Why It’s Important
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine consisted of working one thirteen hour and one fourteen hour shift! I…

Hello World!
Hey there! I’m Megan. Welcome to my blog! I’m a Licensed Practical Nurse and a full time RN student. To…
Disclaimer: I am a Registered Nurse, but I am not your Registered Nurse. The content of this blog and related social media accounts are meant to be informational and supplemental information only and not to be seen as medical or health advise. Please always refer to your institutions policy and procedure, state practice act, and Standard of Care. The content of this blog and affiliated social media accounts reflects person opinions and experiences of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of any of the author’s current or past employers or institutions. Any experiences discussed on this blog is HIPPA compliant as identifying information about the patient and family has been changed.