Hello World: Part 2. Back to the blog.

Hello, friends! It’s been way too long! 1.5 years to be exact. I cannot believe it has been over a year since I published a blog post. I started this blog when I was in nursing school to share my journey as well as my love and encouragement for nurses and nursing students. When I began my job at the hospital as a RN, I quickly became fearful of anyone finding my blog. What if they didn’t agree with my view of things? What if they thought I had poor writing skills? What if they thought I was the weird girl talking to herself on the internet? The list of anxieties and fears went on and on. I ended up removing the link off of my blog’s social media pages and stopped blogging because the anxiety of anyone seeing it took over.

After two years in my job and some personal growth, I have decided it’s time to be brave and start blogging again! Life is too short to not do what brings you happiness, right? I love nursing and my job as a cardiac RN in the hospital, but it doesn’t provide much of a creative outlet. Blogging allows me to explore nursing in a more creative way and share my love and support with nursing students and nurses.

Nurses and new nurses are definitely the heart of my blog. New nurses hurt, experienced nurses burn out, nursing school requires a lot of time and personal sacrifice. All of the different seasons of being a nurse bring their own triumphs and struggles. I can honestly say I love my job and have loved the journey that brought me here. However, this is not to say I have not been exhausted to the point of tears or struggled with burn out, anxiety, and stress during my time as both a nurse and nursing student. I hope and pray this blog and social media platforms will be a space of love and encouragement for pre-nursing students, nursing students, new graduate nurses, as well as experienced nurses. I hope to share my journey and things I am learning along the way, advocate for self-care and burn out prevention, support the new nurses and nursing students, and show appreciation for the experienced nurses. All the things that I feel a passion for and are a huge part of my heart.

Thank you for being here, I hope you’ll stick around.



4 thoughts on “Hello World: Part 2. Back to the blog.”

Mark Weaver

Welcome back. ❤️🍷

Bradley Culbertson



I’m so happy your blogging again!


It’s amazing that you give this for your fellow nurses! Proud of you Megan!!

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