This is such a weird, sad, scary time, isn’t it? I go from feeling okay with social distancing and enjoying a nice introvert night, to overwhelming pain, fear, and sadness. I don’t think I have even began to comprehend the effect social distancing and Covid-19 are having on people. It is effecting every single person on so many different levels. People are out of work. People are scared to go to work. People can’t buy the food or toiletries we usually buy. No more lunch at your favorite restaurant. No more visiting family members in the hospital. No more visiting family, period. For an empathetic person who feels things so deeply, this all is just so overwhelming at times. And I know we all are having a lot of really hard feelings right now. So please know, I’m sending you a lot of love. And virtual hugs. And if you need to talk, or vent, I’m here. Message me.
Self care and support are SO important right now. For everyone. Obviously, I am a nurse, this is a nursing focused blog, and I have the perspective of a nurse. However, I think this information could be helpful to everyone. I know nurses, RTs, PCTs, Doctors on the front lines may feel they don’t have time or energy to practice self care, but even something as simple as listening to your favorite song while your brush your teeth and wash your face can provide a hint of normalcy and a little self care.
Friday, I woke up feeling the weight of the world. And it felt so heavy. It made my heart ache. I spent the first part of the day feeling sad, isolated, scared, stressed, anxious. Then, the second part of the day, I decided to care for myself. I went on a car ride with good music up and windows down. We went on a (social distance approved) hike with our pup. We had a fire on the deck. By then end of the day, some of the stress and anxiety had faded away. We need to care for ourselves, friends. Here’s some ways we can do that.

Declan’s first hike
Self Care & Support Activities While Social Distancing
Bubbles & Bubble Bath
I know, I know. It’s cliche. I can’t help it though, a bubble bath & a glass of champagne, wine, or even a sparkling water just feels so great. It relaxes and soothes aching feet and muscles. Brings a sense of calm. Feels like your truly pampering and relaxing. Bonus points if you add a face mask!
Get Outside
Sunshine + fresh air is just good for the soul, isn’t it? The CDC and state agencies are still saying it is okay to go outside for physical activity and wellness, but we need to be smart about it. My husband, Declan, and I went for a hike yesterday. We went at a time trails were not crowded, stayed 6 feet away from the few people we did pass on the trail, and did not use any public spaces (restrooms, picnic shelters.) We also have been utilizing time outdoors through walks in our neighborhood and time on our deck. Just be smart when you are outside, but get some fresh air! Note: If you are showing any signs of being sick however, STAY HOME. Go to your backyard if available but do not go into public- including trails and parks!
Make a Fun Meal
This quarantine has really forced Bradley and me to start getting a little more fun and creative with our food! We usually go out a couple times a week and quickly realized just our normal staples may get old. Steaks & chicken on the grill, nachos, & homemade stir fry have been some of the best things we have tried so far! I know it can be hard with food shortages but you can make some fun meals with what is available! It helps having to eat at home allll the time to be a little more fun.
Face Time/Zoom/Skype Get Together
I have not done this yet, but I have seen a lot of people get together for virtual happy hours, coffee dates, even board game nights! I think this is a fantastic idea and can really help those who are struggling with isolation and missing their people. I hope to incorporate this into my social distancing in the next couple weeks.
Limit Media Intake
Please, Please, PLEASE follow this one. I have fallen down the black hole so many times. To be honest, a couple weeks ago, I was not really reading about any of this, because it scared me. Finally, I realized I needed to educate myself before returning to the hospital. Then, I read TO much. I was laying awake at night, heart racing, obsessively reading everything I could. We need to be informed, but to much news and media intake of Covid-19 is NO GOOD. For anyone.
Talk to Someone
We have to have community and someone to talk to during this time! If not, we will find outselves even more isolated. Reach out to a trusted friend or colleague. Phone a family member. If you feel you need professional help, while many may not be seeing patients in person right now, there are online options. Better Help is an online therapy website that links you to a counselor you are able to see on video chat or over the phone. We all need someone to talk to and help us work through tough times right now, please don’t be afraid to reach out!
Getting your thoughts down on paper can be a great way to cope with tough times. Even writing a line or two a day can be beneficial.
Go for a Drive
A drive around your neighborhood/city can be a great way to decompress and get out of the house, while still practicing your social distancing. Roll the windows down, turn on your favorite music, and just enjoy a change of scenery and hopefully some sunshine. Bonus, gas prices are low most places right now!
Inspirational People to Follow
Cat Golden, BSN, RN founded this company to be a place for nurses to find support and inspire each other. I absolutely love Cat and this entire movement! I feel like it is EXACTLY what the nursing world needs right now. Someone to support and care for the caretakers. Check out her awesome IG, site, & shop!
Anna Rodriguez, BSN, RN, PCCN, CCRN is a nurse who has held various nursing jobs, from med/surg to ICU to her current GI lab position. Her platform is to share her own personal story of nurse burn out and how she overcame it. Her website and IG are full of information on self care, burn out, and just so much nurse goodness.
Sonja Schwarzbach, BSN, RN, SRNA is a nurse, CRNA student, and nurse advocate who is at the front line of the fight to get nurses the PPE they need. She was featured in a New York Times article about her private online document she has created, where she is documenting hundred of healthcare workers stories of lack of PPE & poor work conditions. She truly is an amazing advocate for the nurses, who spend so much of their time caring and advocating for others.
A Dose of Happy
Finally, I want to end this post with a little dose of happy. And what is happier than fur baby pics!?

Southpaw, our fur baby in heaven, walking down the aisle at our wedding (he was the ring bearer/dog of honor!)

Annabelle likes to practice her social distancing with lots & lots of naps

Declan, lounging in the sun after a social-distance approved run
Please take some time to take care of yourselves, friends. I am sending everyone lots of love and virtual hugs during this time. How are you practicing self care and support during this time?