We made it out of 2020! I think that is definitely worth celebrating. I hope everyone was able to enjoy a safe and relaxed New Years Eve/Day. If you worked, THANK YOU! I have worked New Years Eve and I know it’s not alway the most fun, but if you have good coworkers and sparkling cider, it can make it a little better. I feel like we all have dwelled a lot on the bad of 2020, and let’s face it, there is a lot of it. But I wanted to start out 2021 with a post about the positive things that happened in 2020.
Annabelle and I had girls nights while Bradley was out of town- it involved cuddles on the couch, Taylor Swift & lots of snacks
We adopted a puppy- Declan! We love him and he is one of the best things to come out of 2020
I worked my last shift at my staff nursing job- it was so hard to leave my nurse family
My sister road tripped with me to Washington D.C. during a pandemic so I could start my first travel nurse contract
I was a float pool RN and floated to 12 different units at the hospital, mostly Covid units
Culbertson’s Go Tiny! We bought our tiny home/camper and started our dream of traveling and living tiny.
Annabelle became Queen of the Camper
Bradley and I explored D.C.
My sister visited for my 30th birthday
We took Declan on his first camping trip in Shenandoah National Park
Halloween arrived to Camp Culbertson
I got one of the best FaceTimes ever- my sister was engaged!
My parents visited us in D.C.
We packed up and moved from D.C. after living there for 6 months
We got our first “real” Christmas tree since I lived at home with my parents
We rung in the New Year with my sister in love, her boyfriend, and my fur niece/nephew. Declan and Haze became best friends and Cousin Camp 2.0 was born

I didn’t get a pic of the four of us 🙁 but here is a pic from our Bachelor/Bachelorette party 🙂
Thank you to all the healthcare workers, essential workers, EVERYONE who helped us make it through 2020. Please continue to wear your mask, wash your hands, stay home if you are sick, and socially distance.
Happy New Year! Cheers to 2021!