Life Update: August 2022

Hey friends! I hope you are all doing well. I thought I would do a quick life update since we haven’t had the chance to connect the past few weeks. It’s been a summer full of up and downs over here.

Covid Healing- Round 2

If you read my recent post, Contracting C-19 is not a Moral Failing, you know that Bradley and I both contracted Covid the first week of July. He tested positive on Monday and I tested positive on Saturday. Luckily, we were able to take care of each other during the hardest parts of our illness since we weren’t sick at the exact same time. I’m so thankful to Bradley’s brother in law and his girlfriend who dropped off a care package and food for us. As well as my parents who got medications and groceries for us. I also had a lot of family and friends checking on us and offering to have anything we need delivered. I’m so thankful for these amazing people and their kindness.

Bradley was pretty sick and had to get an antibiotic for a secondary respiratory infection. I had fever, chills, body aches, congestion, sinus pain, and fatigue. I already had long haul, so I’m still dealing with some brain fog and fatigue. Thankfully I was already on my heart meds so heart racing and dizziness wasn’t as big of an issue this time.

Nurses Supporting Nurses

Nurses Supporting Nurses is an organization I founded about 5 months ago. It started as a weekly support group for nurses and CNAs, and now I am working to grow it into a business that will help nurses & CNAs in a variety of ways. We recently started our support group for new to practice nurses. If you are a nurse with less than 2 years of experience, I would love to have you join for a place of support and community! We have a lot of things in the works for nurses & CNAs so please consider following along and subscribing to the self care newsletter for monthly self care and to keep up with all our new offerings!

New Career..ish?

I still am a nurse and will always be a nurse in someway I believe, but PTSD and long haul Covid have really changed my perspective as well as my physical abilities the past 8 months. This time away has given me time to try new things. I think this deserves it’s own blog post in the future but I am now working with my husband in the business he owns, Hyped Up Studios. It is a web development and marketing agency. I am doing social media management, web design, dabbling in learning some code, and marketing! I’m loving the change of pace and having a job that allows me to use some more creativity. I never would have believed I would enjoy working in the tech world but so far, I am!


We are back in Greenville SC for the next couple months. We are excited to be able to see family and friends here and spend some time hiking and in the mountains!

Mental Health Healing

I’m still on my mental health journey and honestly, overall health journey. I really feel like the past 2 years has put a strain on a lot of areas of my life and it’s really going to take some time before I am back to where I want to be. However, I am slowly feeling better and gaining energy. Long haul covid is a battle especially when there isn’t much known about it yet.

Thank you for being here on the blog! I can’t wait to share more things going on BTS at both NSN and PLN! What is new for you? Share something below, I love to connect with you!