Coping with Election Day Anxiety

Since the 2016 presendential election, I now have major surrounding election days. With women rights, LGBTQ rights, and more on the line with this election, no surprise, I’m full of anxiety again. If you need information on how to vote- visit But please, please PLEASE- vote. This election is so important and will effect people for generations to come.

Turn off the News, Sign off Social Media

I know this is an obvious one, but it’s an easy one to not do. Watching the preliminary counts and doom scrolling IG or Tik Tok is a sure way to get your anxiety going. Sign off of social, turn off the news, and find another way to spend your Election Day evening. A light hearted show, even if you have seen it before, like Friends, New Girl, or Gilmore Girls- is a great way to put your mind on something other than election results.

If you want to tune in late at night to see the final results, go for it. But honestly, you can’t change anything at 2am anyways. Go to sleep and find out when you wake up in the morning.

Brain Dump

Do a journal entry/brain dump where you put all your anxieties out on paper. Then, realize you have done all you can do. Easier said than done I know, but putting your worries on paper can help with dealing with anxiety.

Go on a Mental Health Walk 

Fresh air, vitamin D (although that’s harder to get with the time change) and movement are all great for stress and anxiety. Turn on a favorite (non political) podcast, music, or just enjoy the silence. Notice the weather, fresh air, & nature as you walk. If you feel like company- bring a furry companion, family member, or friend!

Call a friend or family member

If you need to let out the anxiety, set a time for how long you can talk about it (say, 15 minute) then move on to a new subject. It’s good to talk about your feelings, but it’s also good to talk about something else. Discuss the upcoming holidays, the latest show you have watched, anything but world events and the election.

Cook a comfort meal & Bake a Fall Treat

Food can hold so much comfort. Put your favorite soup or chili in the crock pot or plan to make your favorite meal on election night! The act of cooking or baking is again a great distraction and provides you with a nice treat. If you don’t feel like cooking or baking- order in or stop by your favorite restaurant/store to pick up a treat before heading home.

Deep Breaths

I find guided and deep breathing to be very helpful in calming my heart rate, nausea, and other not so fun physical symptoms that come with anxiety. Close your eyes, try not to think about the current events, and take some slow, intentional deep breaths. YouTube has a ton of great videos to guide you through meditations and deep breathing if you want more guidance.

Please remember this is a very important election, and we will not go down without a fight. You have done everything you can do by voting and educating yourself. You deserve to take a deep breath and relax on Tuesday night.